Y2038.com provides information and help with Y2038, an issue due to a limitation of the maximum number of seconds (relative to Jan 1, 1970) that can be represented in a 32-bit signed integer. The rollover will occur on Jan 19, 2038, 3:14:07AM GMT, although some problems may occur before then. Please see our FAQ for more details on the issue.
Y2038.com provides free information about the issue itself and advice on assessment and mitigation. Y2038.com also offers premium Y2038-related services, including general consultation, contract labor for help with assessment and mitigation, and training.
We also help with other computer date issues, such as the NTPÂ issue in 2036 (Y2036), the Mac OS date rollover issue in 2040 (Y2040), and the IBM z/OS date rollover issue in 2042 (Y2042).
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